This is how a real burger menu should look like - in my opinion!

Steam a chopped little onion in some olive oil. Add it to 250 g minced meat and add an egg, a spoon of mustard, a teaspoon of harissa (or some other chili sauce), salt, pepper, majoran and a handful of breadcrumbs also. Stir it all to a dough. Share this dough in two halfs and mould two burgers. Roast them in some butter. Put the finished burgers into two crunchy rolls with some lettuce and a little ketchup.

Steam a chopped little onion in some olive oil. Add it to 250 g minced meat and add an egg, a spoon of mustard, a teaspoon of harissa (or some other chili sauce), salt, pepper, majoran and a handful of breadcrumbs also. Stir it all to a dough. Share this dough in two halfs and mould two burgers. Roast them in some butter. Put the finished burgers into two crunchy rolls with some lettuce and a little ketchup.